Take it a step at a time, add only a few files at a time and see how it goes. This is how to download music videos on iPod. Step 3: Touch 'GET SONG' and then enter your Apple password to download the song. Step 2: Choose the track you like and then click 'GET'. Either that, or your MP3s are actually unprotected WMA files that actually do need conversion. Step 1: Open iTunes Store on your iPod, then click 'See All' to find a list of free music available on iTunes. I suspect that the WAV files being imported are leftovers from your ripping, intermediate files left around by EAC or something else. Smart guys also think of using YouTube to fetch free MP3 for their. But free songs provided by Apple iTunes are very limited. Also, we can go to iTunes store for free music. You can easily select a subset of your iTunes library for syncing to your respective iPods by creating playlists (smart or dumb) and let only your desired playlists sync over. Here I collected a list of sites to download free music for iPod Touch/Nano/Shuffle/Classic, which work for iPhone 5s, 5c, iPad, iTunes (Mac/PC) or even MP3 player as well. If you have properly tagged MP3 files and sufficient disk space, just let iTunes copy the files into its own library by dragging them into the iTunes window. I second the "Let iTunes be iTunes" comments, as it works best if you let it work they way it was designed. You can override this behavior file by file by holding down The Command/Apple Key on Macs, and there must be an equivalent on Windows. ITunes on Windows does just like on the Mac, it copies tracks into its own library by default.